Shasan vyavastha Jharkhand || शासन व्यवस्था झारखण्ड - IndianDeal


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Tuesday 5 March 2024

Shasan vyavastha Jharkhand || शासन व्यवस्था झारखण्ड

 मुण्डा मानकी शासन व्यवस्था झारखण्ड के इतिहास में महत्वपूर्ण रही है। यह जनजाती की पारंपरिक स्वशासन व्यवस्था है और कोल्हान प्रमंडल में प्रचलित है। कोल्हान प्रमंडल झारखण्ड राज्य के पांच प्रमंडलों में से एक है, जिसमें तीन जिले शामिल हैं: पूर्वी सिंहभूम, पश्चिमी सिंहभूम, और सरायकेला खारसाँवा1.

मुण्डा मानकी शासन व्यवस्था दो स्तरों पर काम करती है:

  1. ग्राम पिड़: ग्राम हर गाँव को पारंपरिक स्वशासन व्यवस्था की संरचना में सबसे छोटी इकाई मानी जाती है। ग्राम सभा पारंपरिक स्वशासन व्यवस्था की पहली सभा होती है, जो सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, और नैतिक सिद्धांतों का पालन करती है।
  2. मुण्डा डाकुआ दिउरी: यह गाँव के प्रधान का सहायक होता है और उनके निर्देशों के अनुसार ग्रामीणों को सूचित कर उन्हें एकत्रित करता है।

यह व्यवस्था झारखण्ड के जनजाति आधारित परीक्षाओं में भी सहायक हो सकती है।

Nagavanshi Shasan, Vyavastha, Jharkhand is a topic related to the history and culture of Jharkhand, a state in eastern India. It refers to the rule and administration of the Nagvanshi dynasty, which was one of the prominent tribal kingdoms in the region from the 7th to the 18th century CE. The Nagvanshi rulers were originally Mundas, a tribal group that adopted the title of Nag (snake) to assert their power and prestige. They established their capital at Sutiyambe, near present-day Ranchi, and expanded their territory over time. They maintained a balance between their traditional tribal governance and the influence of external forces, such as the Mughals, the Marathas, and the British. They also patronized art, architecture, and religion, and built many temples and forts in their domain. Some of the notable Nagvanshi kings were Phani Mukut Rai, Durjan Sal, Pratap Rai, and Madhu Singh.

Pahada panchayat Shasan vyavastha Jharkhand is a system of governance of the Uraon tribe in Jharkhand. It is also known as Uraon Shasan Vyavastha. It is similar to the Munda Shasan Vyavastha. It consists of three levels of panchayats: Gram Panchayat, Padha Panchayat, and Antar Padha Panchayat. The Gram Panchayat is the village-level panchayat, which has the following important members: Mahato, Pahan, and Bhandari. The Mahato is the head of the panchayat and is responsible for administrative matters. The Pahan is the priest of the village and is responsible for religious matters. The Bhandari is the messenger and the custodian of the royal treasury. The Padha Panchayat is the cluster-level panchayat, which consists of representatives from several Gram Panchayats. The Antar Padha Panchayat is the inter-cluster panchayat, which consists of representatives from several Padha Panchayats. The Pahada Panchayat Shasan Vyavastha is based on the belief that after Dharmesh (the supreme deity of the Uraons), the panchayat is the highest authority on earth.

 Manjhi Shasan, Vyavastha, Jharkhand is the traditional self-governance system of the Santhal tribe in Jharkhand. It operates at four levels: village, desh or mode, pargana, and dishum pargana. Each level has a chief and other functionaries who perform various administrative and judicial duties. The system is based on the principles of democracy, equality, and justice

. Manjhi

He is the head of the village. They have judicial and administrative powers, using which they can resolve any kind of disputes or problems. He represents the village in external matters. Their election  was generally  held in the month of Magh.

2. Jog Manjhi

He is Manjhi's assistant and deputy secretary. The young boys of the village lead the girls. Birth and Marriage: Keeps the information about marriage and gives its advice to resolve the disputes related to it and also gives decisions. Keeps a close watch on the behavior of the village people. In cases like sexual harassment , rape , illegitimate child, the victim first informs Jog Manjhi.

3. authentic

It does all the work of the boatman in his absence. He is also called Deputy Manjhi. Only the Pratyaksha decides what punishment should be given to the criminal.

4. Jog Pramanik

It does all the work of Jog Manjhi in his absence. He is also called Up Jog Manjhi.

5. Gudait / Godait

He acts as Manjhi's secretary and messenger and conveys his instructions to the villagers. Informs the villagers and gathers them on any meeting function celebration , festival or other occasion. He keeps complete information about every family of the village and their population and shares this information with Manjhi.

6. Bhagdo Praja

In any matter of the village, some senior and prominent persons are included in the discussion, who are called Bhagdo Praja.

7. Nike

He is the religious head of the village who is responsible for organizing religious rituals and ceremonies. Judgment on religious crimes is given by the Supreme Court only.

8. Kudam Nayake

He is Nayaka's assistant and works in his absence Performs rituals for the gods and goddesses of the forests and hills outside the village.

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